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The department of Biostatistics develops novel statistical models and procedures that are motivated and applied in clinical, epidemiological and public health research and practice.

About our Department

Our research

The current areas of active research of the department cover the following topics:

- Longitudinal Data Analysis & Hierarchical Modeling

- Survival Analysis

- Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data

- Statistical Analysis with Missing Data

- Modern Analysis of Clinical Trials

- Bioinformatics and Statistical Genetics

- Growth Curves

- Smoothing Techniques

- Bayesian Modeling

Our Staff


Our Staff Assistant:

Ms. Eline van Gent - e.vangent@erasmusmc.nl 
Biostatistics Secretarial Office - secretariat.biostatistics@erasmusmc.nl 
Absent on Wednesday

Principal Investigators

Project Leaders

Research Lines

Individualized Dynamic Predictions:

Individualized predictions play a key role in precision medicine and shared decision making. Joint models for longitudinal and survival data have been shown to be a valuable tool in this context. In this research line we study and explore different types of extensions of joint models that can improve the quality of the derived predictions.


Personalized Active Surveillance and Screening

Decision making in medicine has become increasingly complex for patients and practitioners. This has resulted from factors such as the shift away from physician authority toward shared decision making, unfiltered information on the Internet, new technology providing additional data, numerous treatment options with associated risks and benefits, and results from new clinical studies. Within this context medical screening procedures are routinely performed for several diseases. In general, the aim of screening procedures is to optimize the benefits, i.e., early detection of disease or deterioration of the condition of a patient, while also balancing the respective costs.

In this research line we develop novel techniques for optimally choosing when to collect biomarker information for patients in a screening phase, and when to plan an invasive procedure. The key element of these techniques is their personalized and dynamic nature, i.e., they suitably adapt utilizing the available information on a patient.


Statistical Analysis with Missing Data

The statistical analysis of almost any type of data collected in human health research is complicated from incomplete information. Even though researchers would like to obtain specific measurements from the study participants, very often this information is missing. In this research line we develop new statistical analysis techniques that allow to make the optimal use of the available data and derive the most useful and relevant conclusions.


Novel Analysis of Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are the primary tool for evaluating the efficacy and safety of new medications and procedures. However, to achieve these results clinical trial typically require enrolling many patients. In this research line we develop novel methodology for analyzing clinical trials using information from previous studies, and hence decreasing the required number of patients to be enrolled.


Books & Dissertations



Head Department Biostatistics

Prof.dr. Dimitris Rizopoulos

Staff Biostatistics

Prof.dr.Lidia Arends

Dr Sara Baart

Prof.dr. Bettina Hansen

Dr Sten Willemsen

Dr Ir Richard Post


Emeriti Biostatistics

Prof.dr.Emmanuel Lesaffre

Prof.dr.ing.Paul Eilers

Dr. Wim Hop







News, events and awards

Our news

13 September 2024, Oratie Prof.dr. B.E. Hansen

6 September 2019, Inaugural Lecture - prof. dr. Dimitris Rizopoulos

1 April 2019, dr. E.R. Andrinopoulou Promoted to Assistant Professor



Kersverse prof. Bettina Hansen pleit voor internationale samenwerking op zeldzame ziekten
Een zeldzame ziekte onderzoek je niet alleen - Erasmus MC


Tobias Polak in de JAMA over expanded acces-onderzoek
‘Behandeling via expanded access? Denk na over data-verzameling’ - Erasmus MC


'Het Erasmus MC heeft meer statistivi nodig'
Bettina Hansen pleit in haar oratie voor meer samenwerking, voor beter onderzoek

'Erasmus MC needs more statisticians'
Bettina Hansen advocates in her inaugural lecture for increased collaboration, to improve research on rare diseases



International Biometric Society (IBC)

International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA)

International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB)

Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM)



Year Name Conference Award Presentation / Poster
2025 Pedro Miranda Afonso 10thSAfJR Best Oral Talk Dynamic Prediction of Survival Benefit to Inform Liver
Transplant Decisions in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
2025 Pauline Huisman ESPGHAN
Young Investigator Award Longitudinal patterns of serum bile acid levels and platelet
counts in patients with bile salt export pump deficiency
(PFIC 2) in the Global NAPPED Registry
2025 Pedro Miranda Afonso 48th ECFS Travel Grant Challenges in Evaluating the Long-Term Effectiveness of
Cystic Fibrosis Modulator Therapies After Rapid Adoption:
A Dual-Approach Study
2024 Pedro Miranda Afonso 18th EYIM Travel Grant Assessing the long-term effectiveness of ivacaftor using
between- and within-subjects comparisons with
US Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Patient Registry data
2024 Pedro Miranda Afonso IWSM38th Durham Summer Grant 2024 A joint model for multiple longitudinal markers,
competing risks, and recurrent events
2023 Anirudh Tomer Biometry
Hans van Houwelingen award Shared decision making of burdensome surveillance tests
using personalized schedules and their burden and benefit
2023 Zhenwei Yang ISCB44th Student Conference Award A Bayesian Joint Modelling for Misclassified
Interval-censoring and Competing Risks
2023 Pedro Miranda Afonso ISCB44th Student Conference Award A joint model for (un)bounded longitudinal markers,
competing risks, and recurrent events using registry data
2023 Pedro Miranda Afonso SPE25 Student Travel Grant A joint model for (un)bounded longitudinal markers,
competing risks, and recurrent events
2023 Pedro Miranda Afonso SPE25 Statistical Portuguese
Society Award 2023
A Bayesian shared-parameter approach to jointly model
multiple Gaussian and non-Gaussian longitudinal markers
with correlated event times
2020 Anirudh Tomer BMS-Aned Hans van Houwelingen
Award 2020
Personalized schedules for surveillance of low-risk
prostate cancer patients
2018 Anirudh Tomer EMR
Student Conference Award
EMR - IBS 10th
Personalized schedules for surveillance of low risk
prostate cancer patients
2018 Anirudh Tomer IBC 2nd Best oral speaker
IBC 2018
Personalized schedules for surveillance of low risk
prostate cancer patients
2016 Nicole Erler ISCB Student Conference Award
ISCB 37th
Bayesian imputation of time-varying covariates
in linear mixed models
2015 Kazem Nasserinejad EMR
EMR Student Schlarship
EMR - IBS 8th
Latent Class Mixed-Effects Transition Model:
A model to predict hemoglobin in blood donors
2015 Nicole Erler EMR
Student Conference Award
EMR - IBS 8th
Missing Covariates in Epidemiologic Studies:
MI vs. a Full Bayesian Approach
2014 Eleni Andrinopoulou SAM Poster Award
SAM 2nd
Combined Dynamic Predictions Using Joint Models of
Multiple Longitudinal Outcomes and Competing Risk Data
2014 Eleni Andrinopoulou ISCB Student Confrence Award
ISCB 35rd
Combined Dynamic Predictions Using Joint Models of
Multiple Longitudinal Outcomes and Competing Risk Data
2012 Magdalena Murawska ISCB Student Conference Award
ISCB 33rd
Dynamic Prediction Based on Joint Model for
Categorical Response and Time-to-Event
2012 Eleni Andrinopoulou IWSM Extraordinary Student
Oral Presentaion
IWSM 27th
Joint Modeling of Two Longitudinal Outcomes and
Competing Risk Data. An Application in Cardio Data.

Any questions?

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